Being Injured on the job is stressful. In addition to your injury, we know you’re concerned about your job, your medical care, and the confusing process of dealing with an unfamiliar system. Our Claims Consultants will work with you to ensure that you understand what to expect, that you’re receiving appropriate care, and that you can get back to work as soon as it is safe and healthy for you to do so. We hope this information will help you in that effort, but if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to call or email your claim team.
Information for Injured Workers
Update on Washington Reasonable Assurance Rules
As you may have heard, there are changes coming to Reasonable Assurance. The…
Districts Heat Stress Program
Washington State requires that all employers with employees exposed to outdoor temperatures above…
How to Prepare for On-Site Audiograms
Find here tip sheets to assist our districts in preparing for on-site audiograms.
PSWCT Survey Results: Claims Management
Are we meeting your needs in the areas of claims handling and communication,…
PSWCT Introduces Return-to-Work Incentive
Puget Sound Workers’ Compensation Trust (PSWCT) implemented a Return-to-Work Incentive effective March 1,…