Puget Sound Workers’ Compensation Trust (PSWCT) implemented a Return-to-Work Incentive effective March 1, 2019.
This incentive is designed to be a sustainable, equitable framework to support members in implementing best practice Return-to-Work Programs. Second only to accident prevention, an effective Return-to-Work Program is the best way to manage claim costs and improve employee recovery.
The criteria for this program were modeled on the Washington State Labor and Industries (LNI) incentive, with some changes made to fit the structure of a self-insured program.
Most importantly, districts will need to have a PSWCT-approved Return-to-Work Program. Districts receiving the incentive are budgeted an allocation that expires at the end of the year and does not roll over into the next year.
PSWCT is using an equitable method to calculate the amount of incentive pool funding allocated to districts. Allocations are based on worker hours, with a minimum sum allocated to smaller districts. There are claim-specific eligibility criteria, such as the claimant having a medical release to restricted duty, as well as an injury date that falls on or after the current fiscal year, among other factors.
How it Works
Districts will receive a list of eligible claims. This list will also appear on the Origami dashboard. You will receive a notification from us letting you know whether your district is eligible to participate and enclosing a Return-to-Work Incentive Reimbursement Form. The forms are recommended to be completed monthly and all applications for reimbursement must be made prior to December 31 following the end of the fiscal year for which the reimbursement request is being made. Specifics for each component follow:
Eligibility Criteria:
- Active members of PSWCT.
- Current with premium payments.
- PSWCT-approved Return-to-Work Program.
- PSWCT-allocated funds, determined annually.
- Unused incentive funds for the period cannot be rolled over for future use.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Compensable with injury dates on or after start of the fiscal year.
- Medical release for the injured worker to return to work with restrictions.
- Restricted duty placement accommodated until unrestricted return to work or 90 days have elapsed.
- Reimbursed at 50% of the transitional duty base wage rate and capped at $10,000.
- Eligible claim payments not to exceed the pool of funds allocated to the member district annually.
- Claims with injury dates prior to district’s PSWCT membership NOT eligible.
Reimbursement Criteria and Expectations:
- School districts receive list of eligible claims from PSWCT.
- School districts use PSWCT’s Return-to-Work Incentive reimbursement form to submit reimbursement requests for eligible claims.
- School districts complete reimbursement form in its entirety.
- School districts submit reimbursement requests for all eligible claims no later than December 31 following the end of the fiscal year for which the reimbursement request is being made.
- PSWCT reserves right to suspend incentive program at any time.
Find Out More
Curious about fine-tuning your district’s Return-to-Work Program or to learn if your plan is considered “approved” by PSWCT? Contact our Return-to-Work Manager, Aliza Hauser.
Need more information about how the Return-to-Work Incentive is managed? Call us at 425.917.7667.