PSWCT/UP Behavioral Health and Resilience in the Workplace: Management of Psychological Elements Associated with Workplace Injuries

Date(s) - Feb 01, 2024
10:00 am - 12:00 pm


This interactive training workshop is designed for anyone in a managerial, supervisory, or other leadership position who is supporting a team, or working with individual team members in need of support. We will cover the best practices for management of psychological elements associated with workplace injuries, high stress, and emergency events or critical incidents. The content of the training will include common physical, emotional, and behavioral responses that we experience during and in the aftermath and recovery from a crisis event or critical incident, as well as the most effective strategies and tactics for supporting others while also taking care of yourself and developing and maintaining healthy boundaries. We will address common workplace communication challenges in this context as well as the way that burnout, compassion fatigue and moral injury play a role in behavioral health, and simple, accessible resilience building strategies.

Speaker: Kira Mauseth, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, Owner, Astrum Health, LLC

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