Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Monitoring and Assessment Tools

Date(s) - Dec 07, 2023
10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Nancy Bernard
Becky Doe
Rebecca Sheppard
Alexandra Boris

It has been scientifically proven that Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) greatly influences student and staff health, and performance. Recently, more school districts are choosing to purchase tools that aid in assessment of individual situations or install long-term monitoring equipment. The broad range of IAQ applications extends from measuring temperature and ventilation air flow in occupied areas, to monitoring air humidity, dust/particles, airborne chemicals, and smoke, and they sometimes even provide noise measurements and motion detection.

A group of IAQ professionals from the Washington State Department of Health, the Smart Buildings Center at the Northwest Energy Efficiency Council (NEEC), and the Puget Sound Workers’ Compensation Trust and Unemployment Pool have teamed up to look at different available options, and present the top five tools that seem to be the most effective and lowest cost alternatives for schools. They will also introduce the free “Lending Tool Library” available through NEEC.

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