Many district custodial and food service staff are now using microfiber cleaning systems and a method commonly referred to as “table mopping.”
Category: News
Updates for our members and guests
2016-17 Employee Health & Safety Handbook Available
The 2016-17 Employee Health & Safety Handbook is now available in Word and PDF.
A+ Reasonable Assurance Letters
With the end of the school year quickly approaching, we know many districts are caught in a flurry of activity, with tasks to complete before
Here Comes the Sun: Implement Heat Stress Programs by May 1
While sunshine and warm temperatures are a welcome sight, it is important to remember that working outdoors in hot weather is a health hazard.
Local Incident a Good Reminder about Science Laboratory Hazards
Train staff who handle hazardous chemicals and have necessary policies and procedures in place to help them handle unexpected events.
Spring into Safety!
During this time of outdoor repair and replanting, it’s important to remember to follow proper safety procedures.
Carbon Monoxide in Schools
Carbon Monoxide is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that may not be noticed by building occupants.
Spot the Hazard
Safety can be fun. And to help you have fun with safety, we are introducing a new feature in Sound Advice – Spot the Hazard.
Summertime is Not Benefit Time
A few criteria that Employment Security looks at when determining if benefits should be allowed.
Weird Science? How About Safe Science!
Teaching science is important for engaging students, but experiments also come with a great deal of responsibility.