Being Injured on the job is stressful. In addition to your injury, we know you’re concerned about your job, your medical care, and the confusing process of dealing with an unfamiliar system. Our Claims Consultants will work with you to ensure that you understand what to expect, that you’re receiving appropriate care, and that you can get back to work as soon as it is safe and healthy for you to do so. We hope this information will help you in that effort, but if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to call or email your claim team.
Information for Injured Workers
Spot the Hazard: Work Stations
Can you spot all the hazards in this work station?
Re-Work Your Work Station
While Seated. While Keyboarding. While Talking. While Pausing.
Executive Director’s Corner: How the Opioid Epidemic Affects Your School’s Injured Workers
How the Opioid Epidemic Affects Your School’s Injured Workers – Summer 2016
Cafeteria Tables: A Hazard Hiding in Plain Sight?
Aging and malfunctioning lunchroom tables can be a major cause of strains and…
Keep Your Teen Workers Safe!
A teen’s first job can be dangerous if employers don’t take the proper…
Prevent Back Strain with Table Mopping
Many district custodial and food service staff are now using microfiber cleaning systems…