The SafeSchools title and branding logos that we are all familiar with have changed to Vector Solutions. Vector Solutions also sent emails announcing these changes to all district members who have implemented their programs.

What Is not Changing?
• The URLS to log in to any of our programs will not change. Items that you have linked or bookmarked do not need to be updated.
• Product functionality will not change so the products will remain familiar to users.
• Customer support contact’s emails and phone numbers will remain the same.
What is Changing?
• When users log in to any of Vector Solutions’ Training, they will see a new logo. That’s about it!
What We’d Like You to Do Now
• Please update any logos and product descriptions (text) that you are using on your websites, portals, promotional fliers, etc., with the new Vector Solutions branding.
Feel free to contact Allie Biggs, Manager of Strategic Partnerships at Vector Solutions with your specific questions.