Executive Director’s Corner – Inaugural Issue

By Clairmonte Cappelle, Executive Director


Thank you for taking the time to read another important edition of Sound Advice.  As we begin a new year, it is important that significant time is taken to reflect on new tasks and new directions, consider prior success, and take stock of important goals.  At the Puget Sound Workers’ Compensation Trust and Unemployment Pool, we are doing the same things.  We are excited about many new roll-outs, new staff members, and the implementation of new technology.

One of the new roll-outs we are excited about is the introduction of our upgraded and revamped website. Over the past year, our technology team has worked to develop a site that will serve as the primary source for our clients to access resources, locate supporting documents, easily access hyperlinks, and become a routine daily click-through for our members.  Our preference is to not be just another email for your in-box; it is for you to reach out to us with greater frequency and regularity.

We have re-branded and reorganized our loss control and industrial hygiene services as a new section called Client Relations. The Client Relations section will be focusing on enhancing our relationships with our three customer segments: school districts, their employees, and providers of care and services to employees injured in the course of employment. This reorganization demonstrates our commitment to re-engaging our customers by providing the tools, processes, and resources necessary to reduce total cost of risk while maximizing customer experience. We look forward to working collaboratively with you in the implementation of this important initiative.

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