Author: PSWCT-UP
Job Hazard Analysis
The What, Why, and How of Injury Prevention.
Templates for Job Hazard Analysis
00 JHAs – Title Page & Table Contents 01 JHAs – Teacher, Paraeducator, Librarian, School Secretary, Administrator 02 JHAs – SPED Teacher, Paraeducator, Health Occupations
What’s Your Baseline?
Noise-induced hearing loss, the type at issue in workers’ compensation claims, is completely preventable.
Supporting School District Staffing Stability
Rewarding school districts for adopting best practices.
Cleaning and Disinfecting Buses
How, Why, and What is necessary for school bus hygiene.
Ergonomics Success Story: Orting School District
See how Loss Control supported this high school teacher working remote.
Making Indoor Air Healthy
Improve air quality inside our schools.
Return-To-Work Corner (RTW)
The numbers reflecting the impact of school closure on Return-to-Work.
Transportation Hiring and Training Best Practices
Learn why school districts should reconsider the risks of filling driver gaps with unqualified staff or candidates.