By Clairmonte Cappelle, Executive Director

The past several weeks has been a difficult time for all of us as we
continue to manage our routines of social distancing and stay-at-home orders with varying degrees of success. While these safeguards may cause discomfort, they are also necessary to help contain COVID-19. This pandemic has magnified the importance of health and safety in our society, from our homes to our workplaces, including our schools. There is an expectation of safety in our workplaces, our schools, and elsewhere that has been made uncertain during this unprecedented time we’re experiencing. Nonetheless, each one of us can do our part to ensure that safety takes precedence within the environments we live and function.
At the PSWCT/UP, we too are social distancing, postponing or canceling nonessential events, restricting in-person meetings, and relying on increased use of teleconferencing tools. Though we are enabled to change the way we provide claims and risk management solutions to our school districts, we still continue to care for injured workers, we remain a resource to school districts on the impact of COVID-19 on workers’ compensation, and we continue to manage the hundreds of unemployment claims as a result of school closures. In a nutshell, we are fulfilling our mission.
To keep up to date on the latest COVID-19 information and its impact on our services and the workers’ compensation and unemployment insurance industries, please visit our COVID-19 landing page.
Throughout this pandemic, PSWCT/UP will continue to make decisions with the best interests of our injured workers, our staff, and our community in mind, based on the best information available to us at the time. While the circumstances of this situation continue to change rapidly requiring agility of us all, the fact is that we are not alone in facing this pandemic. We are stronger for our sense of community which truly makes the difference when overcoming any challenge. This is as true in our personal lives as it is in our unique organizations. I am confident that we are going to come through this successfully together as a safer community.