Risk Services Overview

Date(s) - Sep 19, 2024
10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Identifying and properly managing risks at school districts maximizes the ability to reduce accidents, incidents, and claims, prevent harmful exposures, and effectively manage associated finances. One of the main roles of the Puget Sound Workers’ Compensation Trust and Unemployment Pool (PSWCT/UP) is prevention. Our Client Relations Team offers top-of-the-line and extensive risk prevention and reduction services to support Member Districts with safety and associated legal compliance. The purpose of this session is to share value-added preventive services available to Member Districts and their use to maximum benefit. Member Districts receive general guidance and updates on regulations and best practices, but may also request individualized site visits, evaluations, and recommendations for solutions of unique circumstances, at no cost. Meet our Risk Management prevention team and find out more about the details of each of the services we offer, collaborate with us, and grow in your own preventive roles.

Speakers: Elizabeth Jakab, MS, CSRM PSWCT/UP; Steve Lyons, CSRM, ARM, ASP, Risk Consultant, PSWCT/UP

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